Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Magic Ball

We knew this was a magic ball when we found it because:
1. it was out in the back property where there would not normally be balls
2. it was very old looking
3. it was not pretty like a toy ball would be
4. it was barely transparent, so you could "see" things in it.

We took turns seeing things in it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Magic Camera

--> Art from Scrap is a store in Santa Barbara that sells so many interesting materials – from movie cans to tiles, test tubes and old post cards – that I must stop there whenever I’m in town.  This month Harley and Jameson accompanied me and picked out a basket of things – mostly from the cheap broken toy box. Jameson’s favorite find turned out to be a magic camera. Pink, heart shaped, and with a cord to wear it as a necklace, it did actually have a viewfinder and button to press. The really magic thing about it was that when you pressed the shutter, she told me, the image you captured would be sent to your brain! No memory card needed! Never runs out of batteries. Brilliant! We explained this camera to several people, but they looked at us like they didn’t get it!