Saturday, October 14, 2006

Marie est arrive, encore!

Ann's suitcase arrived with her this time!

Mathilde with her Bainbridge family. (Her suitcase arrived.)

Marie! Her suitcase did not arrive. But British Airways is kind enough to give you a $50 allowance to buy necessities, and they give you a little packet of essentials. (Daniel, fly British Airways next time.)


At 6:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Marie! Her suitcase did not arrive." hahaha. of course not, it's part of the deal when you fly to Seattle. Can you pick me up in Vancouver next time?


At 8:07 PM, Blogger Marilynn said...

We could, but I still think its a better deal to fly British Airways, have them lose your bag, give you $50 to spend and deliver your bag the NEXT day.


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