Saturday, April 07, 2007

Recap and Analysis of College Tour

Let's analyze what we learned on our California college tour and how it will help with Becky's college decisions.
I've devised a scientific analysis here, awarding a point to the top schools in each category (or a negative point for the worst of the category).

1. Bicycles - How cute were the bicycles?
The best bicycles were found at:
USC (+1)
and Stanford (+1)

2. Infrared photo opportunities
Berkeley (+1)

and Pitzer(+1)

3. Architecture
Pitzer (-1)

4. Good tour guides
Occidental (+1)
Meghan at USC (+1)

5. Interesting classes - this should never be overlooked in a decision for college. It turns out the smallest colleges have the most interesting classes and majors.

Pitzer offers "Sociology of Smuggling" in the first year seminar section and "Cars and Culture" in the Organizational Studies major (not available as a major even at Berkeley) (+1)

Occidental offers "Cowboys, Samurai, Manly Men: Images of Masculinity" in the core program section and "Computers and Reality" in the Cognitive Science major (another interesting major, not offered at larger campuses. (+1)

Santa Clara did not have ANY college catalogues available, giving them a negative point in this category. (-1)

A tie between USC and Occidental



At 7:17 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

UCSD hasd a cognitive science major


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