Sunday, November 26, 2006

Half Marathon Results

Remember Gwen ran this in 1:35.
How did Marilynn and Gloria do - did they come close to beating Gwen's time? We broke our 4 hour goal, but by applying a complex formula dividing out the added weight of wet rain gear and subtracting out waiting in porta-potty lines, and dividing our combined times by four, shows that we came pretty darn close to beating Gwen!
Marilynn's competitive spirit only came out at the very end, when going through the stadium, she had to sprint and pass a couple of the marathoners. Unilke this good dad who ran through with his daughters
(Photo by Jim Bryant, Seattle PI)
How about that Jason? His time was 2:00:24, not quite making his goal of breaking 2 hours. But he had to waste a lot of time passing slowpokes.
How did that athletic marathoner Rob do? Due to a cold (NOT due to wimping out!) he was cozy in bed while some of us were trekking through the snow to get to the start.


At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The immature Rob wanted to run. The new, more mature Rob slept til 9:30 and had coffee watching the cold rain. The immature Rob would have ended up in the hospital. The new, more mature Rob contemplates next year's race.


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